Monday, May 28, 2007

I have been surfing through the national geographic website for the past two days and have come upon different interesting topics with illustrations .[ Well, what better to do when your TV does not have anything entertaining ]

One of these shows how the solar power is being harnessed and put to use even for cooking . I wonder how they can fry things in a cardboard like box .If someone shows me how to cook indian food in such type of boxes I would gladly buy one .

Some power companies in USA do install a solar panel for individuals or communities .There is a power meter which keeps track of the energy consumption and if the consumer has used lesser power than he is entitled for he can give it back to the power company and get a check for it.Doesn't this sound like a money saving idea ,except we do not know how much the power company charges for the whole setup .

Most of the houses being built in Bangalore now boast of a solar panel. With all the unscheduled power cuts this seems to be a boon especially for people who need hot water to bath .
An India without power cuts may not be a dream afterall if the idea of a space based solar power station works.This project seems to be still in its infancy and the DoD seems to be pioneering a research in this area . I think we should give it another 20 to 30 years time when it is available to the whole world.

Intro to blogging

I have been thinking of doing something creative for a long time and everybody around seems to be blogging about something. So ,I thought why not get my creative juices flowing and here I am .