Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix

I got to see a free preview of "Harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix" (Courtesy our realtors "Corus Home") . We have now seen atleast 4 box office hit movies ,thanks to them .

Harry and friends are now ( well grown up ) teenagers and they fight the death eaters (including You know who) to get the prophecy back. Malfoy does not have much of a role to play in this movie and so does Snape . Also I was waiting for a quidditch match and the movie did not have one . But it turned out all exciting at the end when the select few of Dumbeldores army try to acquire the prophecy and fight all the obstacles . I really wish Harry had killed Bellatrix , but I think in most probability she will be killed by Neville .

All in all a good movie that can be seen once.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Pratibha Patil (WHO ??? ) to be our president

Is our country in dearth of eligible people to be our next president . I am all for a lady president , but Pratibha patil. She is crores of rupees in debt , helping her brother who is a murderer. Also she was an accomplice to Sanjay gandhi during the emergency when he carried out the forced sterilization programs. She is going to have a gala time with her family in Rashtrapati bhawan

We will have two puppets at the top and Sonia ji rules . I am surprised how this supposedly meek lady has turned out to be a shrewd politician .

Monday, July 2, 2007

15 days backs all the USICS date for the Employment based categories were recent. Hundreds and thousands of people went about getting their forms filled, taking vaccinations ( costing between 500 to 700$)etc. Some people took off from work for a week to just finish this thing .
For consultants it means loss of pay .Some people postponed their vacations too, since applying for 485 requires all applicants to be in the US.

Today was the D-day for applying and what do we hear in the morning ? No more applications are accepted .

Not sure why they they made the status current for all employment based categories and why they took so long to release the information that no more applications can accepted .

What a waste of time and money.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

A Zorse called Eclyse

zorse = zebra(male) + horse (female).

This zorse was born to a zebra called Ullyses and a horse called Eclispe . The zebra patterns look more like a work of art .Strange are the ways of nature.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Had to go to the office today . But the only consolation is we are going to watch the movie "Sivaji" . The much talked about and much hyped about movie .

I guess the "greater than God " image for some actors can be attributed to the characters they play , which are more closer to depicting the everyday struggles of common people and eventually fighting it out . I guess it gives a sense of hope. Anyway , this movie has to be watched atleast to know how the 95 crores was spent .

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Completed the book "The Afgan " by Fredrick Forsyth . One of those books that has you biting your nails till the very end . I was surprised to see some characters in his story belonging to Kerala,India. Not sure why he chose this part of India though . The initial chapters were a drag but as the story progressed it was truly gripping .

The book is about a British war veteran Mike Martin infiltrating into the AQ( you know who ) terrorist group to gain information about their operation named Al-Isra.Only in the last 2 or 3 chapters do the readers as well as the hero Mike Martin know what Al-Isra is all about .

Forsyth seems to be one of those writers who goes into minute details about the technical aspects of the tools used in espionage/spying/military operations .

I am going to read some more of his books now .

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Reading Fredrick Forsyth's "The Afgan" . Just finished reading chapter 3 . He seems to have researched a lot on how the intelligence agencies work (brit,usa as well as the other international ones) . The book doesn't at all feel fictious .

Monday, May 28, 2007

I have been surfing through the national geographic website for the past two days and have come upon different interesting topics with illustrations .[ Well, what better to do when your TV does not have anything entertaining ]

One of these shows how the solar power is being harnessed and put to use even for cooking . I wonder how they can fry things in a cardboard like box .If someone shows me how to cook indian food in such type of boxes I would gladly buy one .

Some power companies in USA do install a solar panel for individuals or communities .There is a power meter which keeps track of the energy consumption and if the consumer has used lesser power than he is entitled for he can give it back to the power company and get a check for it.Doesn't this sound like a money saving idea ,except we do not know how much the power company charges for the whole setup .

Most of the houses being built in Bangalore now boast of a solar panel. With all the unscheduled power cuts this seems to be a boon especially for people who need hot water to bath .
An India without power cuts may not be a dream afterall if the idea of a space based solar power station works.This project seems to be still in its infancy and the DoD seems to be pioneering a research in this area . I think we should give it another 20 to 30 years time when it is available to the whole world.

Intro to blogging

I have been thinking of doing something creative for a long time and everybody around seems to be blogging about something. So ,I thought why not get my creative juices flowing and here I am .